qacli import Examples

Import Project CCTs

To import the CCTs for a particular project then issue a command such as:

qacli import -P . -t CCT -C PROJECT my_ccts.zip_cct

This assumes you are in the same directory as the project.

For a project with multiple configurations:

qacli import -P /home/bill/sample -t CCT -C PROJECT -K other_config my_ccts.zip_cct

This version gives the absolute path to the project and imports the CCTs (to the ’other_config’).

Import CCTs from User Data Location

To import all the CCTs for your user data location then issue a command such as:

qacli import -t CCT -C LOCAL my_ccts.zip_cct

You can also specify a location to import the CCTs to (perhaps you have a directory that stores a family of CCTs specific to your setup):

qacli import -t CCT -C USER -u /home/bill/my_ccts my_ccts.zip_cct

So all CCTs will be imported to that directory.

Copy CCT from One Project to Another

To copy a CCT from an existing project into another project first export it:

qacli export -t CCT -C PROJECT -P /home/j_wick/project_1 my_ccts.zip_cct

and then import it:

qacli import -t CCT -C PROJECT -P /home/j_wick/project_2 my_ccts.zip_cct